Pseudotropheus sp. ‘Kingsizei Lupingu’
慈鯛與牠們的產地(Fantastic Cichlids and Where to Find Them):
Pseudotropheus sp. ‘Kingsizei Lupingu’ 金國王斑馬
2018年引進,當初是在非洲野生魚的訂單發現的,非洲直送的馬拉威湖慈鯛通常沒有太多的進口商有興趣引進,都是併在坦干依克湖慈鯛的裡面一起進來,看到Kingsizei這個種名可能會聯想是非常大型的慈鯛,不過牠們是嬌小慈鯛的代表,大致體長都在10公分以下,最有名的代表是Metriaclima pulpican帝王斑馬,大部分的供應商還是都會用Pseudotropheus屬,早期是被歸類在犬麗魚屬(Cynotilapia)中,雖然也會攝食浮游生物,但在牙齒的類型已經被歸類在Metriaclima 屬中,後續我們也會更改為正確屬名。
金國王斑馬體色為鮮黃色,公魚顏色更為濃郁,母魚顏色偏黃灰色比較黯淡一些,尺寸大約6-10公分,公魚體型較大在光線下背鰭和臀鰭會有接近藍白色的金屬光澤,棟線或斑馬紋路不是很明顯,腹鰭硬鰭部分為黑色,各鰭尾端也有延長的情形。金國王斑馬主要分布在馬湖的東岸北邊,在Ad Konings書中,除了純黃色的個體表現外,也有棟線較明顯和帶藍色的個體一樣出現在Lupingu這的地區。
Ad Koning (2016). Malawi Cichlids in their natural habitat 5th Edition . USA . CICHLID PRESS.
Introduced in 2018, this species of fish was initially discovered in orders of wild African fish. The African direct-import Malawi cichlid species, commonly known as Kingsizei, didn't garner much interest from importers. They were often imported alongside other Tanganyika cichlids. When you hear the name "Kingsizei," you might assume it's a large cichlid, but these fish are representatives of the smaller cichlids, typically measuring under 10 centimeters in length. The most well-known representative of this group is Metriaclima pulpican, often mistaken as Pseudotropheus in earlier classifications, though their tooth structure places them in the Metriaclima genus. We will update the correct genus name accordingly.
Pseudotropheus sp. ‘Kingsizei Lupingu’ have bright yellow body coloration, with males exhibiting more vibrant colors than females. The females tend to be duller with a yellowish-gray hue. They typically measure about 6-10 centimeters in size. The males are larger and may display a blue-white metallic sheen on their dorsal and anal fins under the right lighting. Their stripe or zebra patterns are not very distinct. The hard fin parts, including the dorsal fin and caudal fin, are black, with elongated tips. Kingsizei cichlids are mainly found on the northern eastern shore of Lake Malawi. In addition to pure yellow individuals, some regions, like Lupingu, exhibit more prominent stripes and individuals with a blue hue, as described in Ad Konings' book.
Pseudotropheus sp. ‘Kingsizei Lupingu’ are generally mild-mannered and not territorial. They are not considered aggressive but often become targets of more dominant fish species. When it comes to feeding, it's recommended to offer small sinking pellets or flakes. In their natural habitat, they primarily feed on organic debris attached to rocks and also consume plankton. It's important to provide a diverse diet and avoid overfeeding.
Translation from ChatGPT
2018年に導入され、最初はアフリカの野生の魚の注文で見つかりました。通常、アフリカ直輸入のマラウィ湖の愛魚にはあまり多くの輸入業者が関心を持っておらず、ほとんどがタンガニーカ湖の愛魚と一緒に輸入されます。"Kingsizei"という種名を見ると、非常に大きな愛魚を想像するかもしれませんが、実際には小型の愛魚の代表です。一般的に体長は10センチ未満で、最も有名な代表はMetriaclima pulpican(帝王斑馬)です。多くの供給業者は依然としてPseudotropheus属を使用しており、初期にはCynotilapia属に分類されていましたが、歯のタイプに基づいてMetriaclima属に再分類されました。将来的には正しい属名に変更される予定です。
キングサイズゼブラの体色は鮮やかな黄色で、オスのほうがより鮮やかです。メスの体色はやや灰色がかった黄色で、体サイズは約6~10センチです。オスの体型は大きく、光の下で背びれと臀びれに近い青白い金属光沢が現れ、ストライプや斑馬模様はあまりはっきりしません。腹びれの硬い部分は黒色で、各ひれの端にも延長があります。キングサイズゼブラは主にマラウィ湖の東岸北部に分布しており、Ad Koningsの著書によれば、純粋な黄色の個体以外にも、ストライプがはっきりした個体や青色を帯びた個体がルピング地域でも見られます。