Protomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania"
慈鯛與牠們的產地(Fantastic Cichlids and Where to Find Them):
紫背黃肚Protomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania”
Protomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania” 紫背黃肚是少數棲息在波濤區域的單色鯛,游泳能力強並在浪花區攝食被浪沖刷下來的無脊椎動物,亞成魚會形成魚群集體活動與覓食,成熟公魚尺寸大約20-25公分左右,公魚顏色亮麗顯眼,顏色以紫藍色為底色,腹部為鮮黃色背鰭為白色,會在開放水域中佔據領域,但是產卵還是要在岩石或基質上。
Ad Koning (2016). Malawi Cichlids in their natural habitat 5th Edition . USA . CICHLID PRESS.
Protomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania” is one of the few monochromatic cichlids that inhabit turbulent areas. They have strong swimming abilities and feed on invertebrates washed down by waves in the surf zone. Juveniles often form schools for feeding, while mature males grow to approximately 20-25 centimeters in size. Mature males display vibrant colors, with a purple-blue base color, yellow underside, and white dorsal fin. They establish territories in open water but prefer to spawn on rocks or substrates.
In captivity, they accept floating or pellet feeds, with an emphasis on animal protein such as insect-based feeds. Care should be taken not to overfeed. Providing moderate water flow increases their activity levels and prevents obesity. Due to their large size and active nature, it's recommended to provide ample tank space for growth and color development. While generally mild-mannered, territorial aggression may occur during breeding.
We introduced the Protomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania” in 2011, during the early stages of our farm operation. It was an important species for us at the beginning and remains one of our personal favorites. Over the years, we've introduced over sixty to seventy different species, retaining those with commercial value for mass production while keeping others based on personal preference. Introducing new species has been challenging, considering factors like commercial value and competition from imitators in the industry. Despite setbacks, we remain committed to our initial goals, aiming to work with more species for breeding, photography, and documentation, enriching our experiences and hoping for greater rewards.
Protomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania” 荒波地帯に生息するモノクロームなシクリッドのうちの一種です。強い泳ぎを持ち、波によって流された無脊椎動物を摂食します。若魚は餌を求めて群れを作り、成熟したオスは体長約20~25センチメートルに成長します。成熟したオスは鮮やかな色彩を示し、紫色から青色のベースカラーに、黄色の腹部、白色の背びれが特徴です。彼らは開けた水域で縄張りを確立しますが、岩や底床に産卵することを好みます。
2011年にProtomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania” を導入し、養殖場の早い段階で重要な種でした。それ以来、商業的な価値のある種は量産し、個人的な好みに基づいて他の種は保持しています。新種の導入は、商業的な価値や業界の模倣競争などの要因を考慮すると、挑戦的なものでした。それでも、初期の目標にコミットし、飼育、撮影、文書化のためにより多くの種と協力することを目指し、経験を豊かにし、より大きな報酬を期待しています。