Otopharynx tetraspilus
慈鯛與牠們的產地(Fantastic Cichlids and Where to Find Them):
Otopharynx tetraspilus 銀邊金三點
銀邊金三點是2016年引進到場內的,當初是從德國以Copadichromis spec. mloto yellow fin 的名義進口進來,經過一段時間飼養拍了幾組照片後,魚友發現跟認知的學名對比好像不太一樣,才發現Otopharynx tetraspilus 才是正確學名,而查驗資料也表示市面上常用 “Mloto yellow fin “ 來標示這隻魚,而仔細觀察也沒有和Copadichromis 一樣的漏斗嘴和浮游生物攝食的習性。
銀邊金三點是棲息於馬拉威湖南部的淺灘的水草區域,這個區域有河川沖積來的大量沈積物和水生植物的生長,牠們利用水草的遮蔽棲息於此處,和靚三點(Otopharynx tetrastigma) 的棲息地和習性類似,食性主要是攝食藻類碎屑和小型無脊椎動物。體色成熟公魚頭部金屬藍腹部帶棕色背鰭呈現銀白色,發情時呈現深色且對比更明顯的底色棕色部分呈現暗金色,母魚就像對樸素以鐵灰色底色為主,成魚尺寸大約12-18公分。
Ad Koning (2016). Malawi Cichlids in their natural habitat 5th Edition . USA . CICHLID PRESS.
The Otopharynx tetraspilus was introduced into our facility in 2016. Initially imported under the name Copadichromis spec. mloto yellow fin from Germany, it was later discovered, after some time of keeping and photographing, that its recognized scientific name seemed to differ. It was then realized that Otopharynx tetraspilus is the correct scientific name. Checking further information revealed that the fish is commonly labeled as "Mloto yellow fin" in the market. Upon closer observation, it was also noted that it lacks the funnel-shaped mouth and the characteristic behavior of feeding on plankton, unlike Copadichromis.
The Otopharynx tetraspilus inhabits the shallow grassy areas of the southern part of Lake Malawi. This region is characterized by sedimentation from river alluvium and the growth of aquatic plants. The fish take advantage of the cover provided by the aquatic plants for shelter. Their habitat and behavior are similar to those of the Otopharynx tetrastigma. Their diet primarily consists of algae debris and small invertebrates. Mature male fish exhibit a metallic blue head, brownish belly, and a silver-white dorsal fin. During the mating season, the dark color becomes more pronounced, and the brown portion turns into a dark gold color. Females, on the other hand, have a more modest appearance with a primarily iron-gray base color. The adult size is approximately 12-18 centimeters.
They are relatively easy to care for, having a mild temperament. To accommodate their habitat, it is recommended to provide sufficient hiding spaces, although cultivating aquatic plants in a cichlid tank can be challenging due to their tendency to nibble and disturb the substrate. Robust plants like Vallisneria or Anubias, which are less likely to be disturbed, are suitable options. However, one must be prepared for the possibility of plants being uprooted or consumed daily. For feeding, it is advisable to use small pellet sinking feed or flakes, as they are not overly picky, but overfeeding should be avoided.
The Otopharynx tetraspilus is not considered a mainstream fish species. Although there are records of it being an ornamental fish since the 1980s, it is relatively uncommon in Taiwan. Dark-colored fish species are often overlooked, and it is hoped that this brief introduction will help increase understanding of the Silver Edged Gold Triplepoint.
Otopharynx tetraspilusは2016年に施設に導入されました。最初はドイツからCopadichromis spec. mloto yellow finとして輸入され、しばらくの飼育と写真撮影の後、その認識された学名が異なるように思えたことが判明しました。それからOtopharynx tetraspilusが正しい学名であることがわかりました。さらなる情報の確認では、市場でこの魚が一般に「Mloto yellow fin」と表示されていることも明らかになりました。より詳細な観察の結果、Copadichromisとは異なり、この魚は漏斗状の口と浮遊生物の摂食行動がないことも注目されました。
Otopharynx tetraspilusはマラウイ湖の南部の浅い草地に生息しています。この地域は川の堆積物と水生植物の成長によって特徴づけられており、魚はこれらの水生植物が提供する隠れ家を利用しています。その生息地と行動はOtopharynx tetrastigmaと似ています。主に藻類の残骸と小さな無脊椎動物を摂食しています。成熟したオスは金属光沢のある青い頭、褐色の腹部、銀白色の背びれを持っています。繁殖期には暗い色がより顕著になり、褐色の部分が暗い金色に変わります。対照的に、メスは主に鉄灰色のベースカラーを持ち、成魚のサイズは約12~18センチメートルです。
Otopharynx tetraspilusは一般的な魚の種類には含まれていません。1980年代以来観賞魚としての記録はありますが、台湾では比較的珍しいです。暗い色の魚は見逃されやすく、この簡単な紹介が銀縁のゴールドトリプルポイントについての理解を深める助けになれば幸いです。